Products related to Lenovo-ThinkBook-16-Gen:
DriverMax 16
DriverMax Product description Problems with your PC are often caused by old and not updated drivers. If the drivers on the system are up-to-date, the computer or notebook runs smoothly. If only one particular driver is missing or is perhaps outdated, performance drops rapidly. In the worst case, serious malfunctions, graphics problems or even problems with printers, scanners, etc. can be caused. Bring your computer up to date with DriverMax! PC problems belong to the past. DriverMax is a comprehensive collection of drivers, which is constantly updated by a professional team is updated and kept up to date. With a few mouse clicks you can update your computer and give it back its full performance. Features: - Makes your PC faster, more stable and efficient! System requirements Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10 (both 64-bit and 32-bit) Processor with 1 5 GHz Working memory with 1 GB RAM 500 MB free hard disk space
Price: 14.42 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
Ashampoo Snap 16
Ashampoo Snap 16: Create screenshots and videos quickly and easily Ashampoo Snap 16 makes creating screenshots and videos a breeze! This powerful software allows you to effortlessly capture everything that appears on your screen and then edit, save and share it. Whether you're working from home, want to quickly explain something or create extensive tutorials, Snap 16 will help you achieve your goals in no time! Reach your goal faster The latest version, Ashampoo Snap 16, is faster and more efficient than ever before! Thanks to a new engine and optimized workflows, you'll save valuable time when capturing, editing and sharing screen content. With just two mouse clicks you can create a screenshot and even with different resolutions or multiple monitors you can keep track of everything! The new capture options - it couldn't be more practical! Ashampoo Snap 16 offers a variety of new recording options that make your work even more efficient. With just one click you can make settings such as text recognition, capturing the mouse pointer or selecting the recording format. Whether you want to record an area, a scrolling web page or a video - all options are just two clicks away! More possibilities for your videos With Ashampoo Snap 16 you can easily add graphical elements to your videos, such as arrows or rectangles. This allows you to highlight important information and make your videos even more meaningful. The new toolbar enables precise editing with infinite zoom and a 1:1 display. Adding live drawings during video recording is now also possible! Welcome back with Ashampoo Snap 16! By popular demand, some popular features have been brought back to Ashampoo Snap 16. The mouse cursor can be recorded again, as well as watermarks. Scrolling recordings are now more stable and the key combination Ctrl+C copies the image to the clipboard again. Ashampoo Snap 16 offers a familiar user experience with improved features! The irreplaceable companion for your home office Ashampoo Snap optimizes your home office by easily capturing screen content and creating videos. Information can be conveyed faster, more effectively and more comprehensibly, be it in internal meetings or in customer contact. With Snap 16, you can easily add text, graphics and effects and quickly create, edit and share videos. A short training period and minimal hardware requirements make Snap an indispensable tool! Smart desktop recording and easy sharing Ashampoo Snap automatically recognizes what's on your screen and offers a precise recording option. The "magic eye" allows you to capture rectangular areas, scrollable content and entire pages. The finished images can be easily saved or uploaded to Ashampoo Web. You can also use the tried-and-tested mail dispatch function! Text recognition / OCR for your screenshots With Ashampoo Snap 16 you can now recognize text in over 180 languages! The improved text recognition is based on the Windows language packs and is faster and more reliable than ever before. Language selection has been simplified by displaying only the languages installed on your system. Additional languages can easily be added via the menu. Edit videos quickly and easily With Ashampoo Snap you can edit videos quickly and easily by cutting out unnecessary scenes or saving individual episodes. Whether you want to record a webinar or create a presentation - with Snap you only keep the highlights! Add text, drawings or comments directly during recording and create professional videos in no time! Create videos for any purpose Ashampoo Snap makes it easy to create instructional videos, documentaries or tutorials. You can add annotations while recording and display mouse clicks and keystrokes separately. With Snap, you can create professional videos that get your message across clearly and comprehensibly! Ideal for different resolutions and multi-monitoring Ashampoo Snap is optimized for different monitors and resolutions and offers excellent handling for beginners and professionals. Whether you use Full HD or 4K monitors, Snap captures any resolution with full sharpness and allows for seamless editing. Create GIFs from any video With Ashampoo Snap you can create GIFs from any video to show short demonstrations or key moves. Simply select the desired excerpt from the video, convert it into a GIF and share it with others. GIFs are a fun and effective way to present information! More than a snipping tool with convenience features Ashampoo Snap offers a variety of convenience features that go beyond a simple snipping tool. With automatic numbering, time-delayed recording and various editing options, you can get the most out of your screen recordings. Customize your screenshots with text, graphics and effects and make them even more meaningful! Back up videos and photos from the internet Ashampoo Snap lets you easily back up images and videos from the internet for later use or sharing. Whether you discover inspiring images, informative texts or ...
Price: 10.80 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
Claris FileMaker Pro 16
FileMaker Pro 16 Download , Full Version for Mac or Windows FileMaker Pro® Pro is the leading workgroup database software for quickly creating and sharing solutions for your business needs. Powerful features, multi-platform support, and an effortless-to-use interface make FileMaker Pro indispensable for anyone who needs to keep track of and manage people, projects, and other data. New features in FileMaker Pro 16 Improved layout object editing Layout Objects panel - Use the Layout Objects panel to view and edit all objects that are on the current layout. You can select, hide, and name objects, and change their stacking order. Improved efficiency Windows: All document windows are now independent of each other, all can be positioned on any available monitor, and each window has its own menu bar. Improved Specify Formula dialog box - For information about a function, click an item in the Functions pane and then click . Access plug-in functions - You can use external script steps provided by a plug-in to access the plug-in's functions. Copy and paste value lists - You can now use standard keyboard shortcuts to copy and paste a value list into another FileMaker Pro file. JSON data support JSON parsing, character encoding, and cryptographic features - You can use these features to process and encrypt JSON data exchanged with other data sources, such as web services using REST APIs. Improved security OAuth identity provider accounts - You can authenticate user accounts using external OAuth identity providers specified in FileMaker Server. Extended privilege fmrest - Allows access to a database file from a web service via the FileMaker Data API (FileMaker Server only). Fmurlscript extended privilege - Allows users to run a script from a URL. Extended privilege fmextscriptaccess - Allows users to access solutions with AppleScript terms and ActiveX. Interactive lock icons - When you open a shared file, click the lock icon to see encryption information about your connection to the host. New script steps Configure Region Monitor Script - Configures a specified script to run when an iOS device enters or leaves a specified region. Open Launch Center - Opens the Launch Center where you open, create, and manage FileMaker solutions. Modified script steps AV Player - Set Options lets you change the zoom setting for video and volume settings for audio. "AVPlayer - Playback and AVPlayer - Set Options now offer the additional Embedded Only option for viewing media. Go to Layout now lets you specify the animation to use when switching to the new layout in FileMaker Go. Go to Related Record now lets you specify the animation to use when displaying the related record in FileMaker Go. "Insert from device" now allows you to specify the presentation to use when displaying the Signature Capture screen. "Insert from URL" now allows you to specify many supported cURL options. "New Window" allows you to create a map, which is a window that is modal to its parent window. "Print now gives you the ability to create PDFs in web browsers using FileMaker WebDirect. Print Setup now lets you set PDF options for Print Script Step and Save Records as PDF Script Step in FileMaker Server and FileMaker WebDirect. Save Records as PDF now allows you to save PDFs with FileMaker Server and FileMaker WebDirect. Multiple Insert script steps now allow you to specify a variable as a target. Deleted script steps The Set Allowed Alignments script step has been removed. Functions New functions Base64EncodeRFC - Returns data as text in the specified Base64 format. CryptAuthCode - Returns a binary HMAC (Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code) using the specified cryptographic hash algorithm. CryptDecrypt - Decrypts container data using the specified key and returns text or container data. CryptDecryptBase64 - Decrypts Base64-encoded text using the specified key and returns text or container data. CryptDigest - Returns a binary hash value generated by the specified cryptographic hash algorithm. CryptEncrypt - Encrypts data with the specified key and returns container data. CryptEncryptBase64 - Encrypts data with the specified key and returns text in Base64 format. Get(AccountGroupName) - Specifies the group name of the current account and when the account was authenticated through an external server or an OAuth identity provider. Get(RegionMonitorEvents) - Returns events that caused the script specified in the Region Monitor script configure script step to run. HexDecode - Returns container or text contents from text encoded in hexadecimal format. HexEncode - Returns data as text in hexadecimal format. JSONDeleteElement - Deletes a JSON data element specified by an object name, array index, or path. JSONFormatElements - Formats elements in JSON data for easier readability. JSONGetElement - Queries a JSON data item for an element specified by an object name, array index, or path. JSONListKeys - Lists the obj...
Price: 173.41 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
Florenzyme Capsules - 16 g
Nutritional supplement with bacteria culture (LAB2PRO TM), Alpha-Amylase and Protease. Vegan. Florenzyme capsules are an innovative nutritional supplement that combines selected bacterial cultures with valuable digestive enzymes (alpha-amylase and protease). A special capsule technology ensures that the ingredients are protected from the acids in the stomach and reach the digestive tract in a functional way. In this way, they can contribute to a natural, desirable digestion and intestinal flora. In terms of targeted nutritional supplementation, we recommend taking one Florenzyme capsule daily over a longer period of time with or after a meal.
Price: 21.86 £ | Shipping*: 14.50 £ -
Ashampoo Photo Commander 16
Ashampoo® Photo Commander 16 Wszechstronne narzędzie do przeglądania, edytowania i organizowania zdjęć Wszechstronna usługa dla Twoich zdjęć Nowy Ashampoo Photo Commander 16 to kompletne rozwiązanie do przeglądania, edycji i porządkowania zdjęć. Przenieś do swojej kolekcji nowy porządek, zoptymalizuj tyle zdjęć, ile chcesz w tym samym czasie lub stwórz w mgnieniu oka kalendarze, karty i całe pokazy slajdów. Za pomocą zaledwie kilku kliknięć, początkujący, amatorzy fotografii, a nawet profesjonaliści mogą szybko rozpocząć pracę. Automatyczna poprawa obrazów Dzięki autokorekcie, nawet nieudane zdjęcia stają się cennym wspomnieniem z wakacji. Usuń w mgnieniu oka zadrapania, szum cyfrowy lub czerwone oczy! Automatyczne funkcje zabierają dużo pracy, a dzięki zmiennej obróbce wsadowej możesz ozdobić tyle zdjęć, ile chcesz w tym samym czasie. Tworzenie kolaży, kalendarzy i kart Łatwo stworzyć kartę z wieloma szablonami lub stworzyć indywidualny kalendarz z dbałością o szczegóły. Nawet imponujące kolaże są szybkie i łatwe! Ashampoo Photo Commander 16 oferuje mnóstwo możliwości, aby zmienić swoje pomysły w rzeczywistość! Tworzenie pokazów slajdów Dzięki Ashampoo Photo Commander 16 możesz również tworzyć pokazy slajdów w wysokiej rozdzielczości 4K! Nowe efekty przejściowe oferują jeszcze piękniejsze i bardziej zmienne zmiany obrazu, a bardziej obsługiwane formaty muzyczne zapewniają jeszcze bardziej wszechstronne tło muzyczne. Gotowe pokazy slajdów można następnie oglądać za pomocą nowego playbaru wideo z podglądem obrazu w czasie rzeczywistym. Efektywna prezentacja obrazów Niezależnie od tego, czy chcesz samemu cieszyć się swoimi zdjęciami, czy pokazać je znajomym lub współpracownikom, nowy tryb prezentacji jest po prostu genialny. Kontrola z jednego monitora, co jest pokazywane na drugim! Dostosowane również do beamerów, można reagować "na żywo", a także zmieniać rzeczy bez wychodzenia z prezentacji! Ustawianie, używanie i edycja geotagów Nowoczesne aparaty fotograficzne i telefony komórkowe używają geotagów do zapisu miejsca wykonania zdjęcia. Ashampoo Photo Commander 16 może sortować po tych geotagach, edytować je lub nawet ustawiać na nowo. Program rozpoznaje kraje, miejsca, a nawet ulice! Po prostu pokaż na mapie, gdzie zostało zrobione Twoje zdjęcie z wakacji! Uprawiaj i edytuj zdjęcia Łatwo kadruj obrazy, prostuj horyzont lub dodawaj kolorowe akcenty. Łatwo przyciąć ludzi lub przedmioty, lub zmienić perspektywę zdjęcia. Eksperymentuj z doskonałymi efektami lub odkryj profesjonalną gamę z krzywymi gradacji i korektami tonalnymi! Z nowoczesną, "uczącą się" powierzchnią Ashampoo Photo Commander 16 nie tylko wygląda nowocześnie, ale także dostosowuje się indywidualnie do Państwa metody pracy. Jeśli często korzystasz z funkcji, są one dostępne tylko za jednym kliknięciem. To gwarantuje, że szybciej osiągniesz swój cel! A dla tych, którzy lubią klasykę: oczywiście można wybrać pomiędzy widokiem nowym a klasycznym. Tworzenie porządku w kolekcji zdjęć Ashampoo Photo Commander 16 zapewnia jeszcze lepszy przegląd. Dzięki nowej funkcji wyszukiwania możesz połączyć np. wyszukiwanie lokalizacji i czasu, dzięki czemu odnajdziesz każde zdjęcie na raz! Dzięki całkowicie elastycznemu widokowi grupy można wybrać pliki w pamięci flash, a nowy pasek stanu natychmiast pokazuje możliwe wartości EXIF. Nawet wieloletni fotograficy mieli na myśli, że nowe spojrzenie na dekadę oferuje zupełnie nowe spojrzenie na Twoją kolekcję. Tworzenie i zapisywanie obrazów Pozwól swojej kreatywności zaszaleć z Ashampoo Photo Commander 16! Nowo opracowana funkcja Panorama z łatwością tworzy zapierające dech w piersiach zdjęcia w imponującym formacie panoramicznym. Specjalny automat zajmuje się jasnymi lub wyblakłymi obrazami i zmienia je w zaskakująco piękne zdjęcia. A wiele nowych motywów sprawia, że tworzenie zawsze pasujących kart jest dziecinnie proste. Wyznaczanie trendów za pomocą PNG Format obrazu PNG jest już jednym z najpopularniejszych formatów w Internecie, animacje PNG są ciekawym, oszczędzającym miejsce wariantem animacji GIF. Dzięki Ashampoo Photo Commander 16 możesz radykalnie zmniejszyć rozmiar plików PNG i w ten sposób zaoszczędzić miejsce i ilość danych w sektorze mobilnym. Animacje PNG mogą być również tworzone w krótkim czasie i mogą być konwertowane lub wydobywane na żądanie. Spełnione życzenia klienta Słuchaliśmy cię. Metadane, takie jak EXIF lub IPTC, są wyświetlane na pasku stanu i mogą być teraz eksportowane i edytowane. Popularne wyszukiwanie zduplikowanych plików zostało znacznie przyspieszone. W jednym przejściu można zeskanować wiele stron i w razie potrzeby skonwertować je do wielostronicowego pliku PDF. A ważna funkcja zoomu jest szybsza niż kiedykolwiek, nawet w przypadku dużych obrazów. Ponad 200 funkcji dla Twoich zdjęć w jednym programie Nowy Ashampoo Photo Commander 16 przekonu...
Price: 10.80 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
Ashampoo Backup Pro 16
Comfortable handling and highest data security Ashampoo® Backup Pro 16 takes away your fear of viruses, ransomware and hardware failures! Experience an easy-to-use, well-designed, yet powerful backup solution. The new Ashampoo® Backup Pro 16 offers you all possible storage options: Back up individual files to entire partitions to local drives or online storage providers. At the same time, the program is resource-friendly, gets out of your way and does all the work in the background. Of course, it can also restore your backups. Ashampoo® Backup Pro 16 even comes with a bootable rescue system that lets you restore your system in case of a major system failure - including Windows 11 systems! Helps with: Malware infections Hard disk failure Accidentally deleted files Operating system problems Problematic updates Device theft The ingenious solution for backing up and restoring your data and operating systems Ashampoo® Backup Pro 16 is our most future-proof version yet, making the switch to Windows 11 a breeze. We've also made sure it's compatible with all major cloud providers and uses the latest standards for security and speed. And if you prefer one-click presets for your backup plans, you'll love our new and improved selection! Ashampoo® Backup Pro 16 also keeps you informed about past, current and future backups with Windows Messaging System. But that's not all: we want to provide a rock-solid and fast backup solution, so we've made some important changes under the hood. Ashampoo® Backup Pro 16 is now the fastest and most stable backup solution we have ever developed. See for yourself! Ready for Windows 11 New handy presets for backup schedules Stay informed with the new Windows Message Integration Faster and more secure cloud connections Three installs per license - more security for you, your family and friends Performance and security improvements under the hood We're ready for Windows 11 - and so are you! Fully ready to go at release Windows 11 presents new challenges for existing software - not so for Ashampoo® Backup Pro 16! More power for your money: multi-license Protect yourself, your family and your friends You can install the new Ashampoo® Backup 16 Pro on up to three PCs - and they don't all have to be in the same place! Protect yourself, your family members or a friend's PC from malware and data loss and back up data from multiple devices! A good start with Ashampoo® Backup Pro 16 1-click access to all important areas! Our backup solution is suitable for everyone, from beginners to data backup specialists. That's why we've made our backup plans as flexible and versatile as possible! The new presets back up your data with just a few clicks. Do you want to back up just your documents or your entire system? Do you want to backup your emails, contacts or browser data? Or do you prefer a more sophisticated approach with individual plans tailored specifically to your needs? Even sophisticated backup plans require just a few clicks. Whether simple or sophisticated, the new Ashampoo® Backup Pro 16 makes creating backup plans a breeze! Your backup plans at a glance Your backups clearly listed with customized views Ashampoo® Backup Pro 16 offers an even better backup overview, with all the information you need clearly arranged. Instantly learn about current or upcoming backups and access in-depth details, or restore, review, view and delete individual archives with one click. Experience maximum clarity and get the backup management you've always wanted! Future-proof cloud support Instant access to all popular providers and storage methods Cloud storage has long been a secure way to back up your data. As cloud providers continue to evolve their services and storage methods, so do we: Ashampoo® Backup Pro 16 has been fully updated to support the latest and most secure online data transfer methods! Back up your data to Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, OneDrive Business / Office 365, Owncloud, Telekom MagentaCLOUD, Strato, 1&1 and many others with absolute security and automatically avoid speed throttling! Take a closer look at individual backups Keep track of your backup plans and see important details In the new details view, you can find important information about your backups, such as the previous and next run and the location. Information about the origin of the files and the backup type is also included. Even keeping track of multiple backups running in parallel is no longer a problem. Moreover, you can create detailed reports to find out exactly what is happening with each plan. Of course, you'll also be notified immediately if something goes wrong, for example because your external hard drive is full! Your lifesaver when all else fails Recovery system for restoring damaged operating systems If your PC is infected, e.g. by malware, or your hard drives crash or are defective, your operating system is lost - reinstalling Windows and all programs is the only way to continue unless you have a cl...
Price: 20.20 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
Nuance Dragon Professional 16
A professional speech recognition software Nuance Dragon Professional 16 is a professional speech recognition software that enables users to record natural-sounding dictations and convert them into text. Dragon Professional 16 supports more than 20 languages and offers a user-friendly and intuitive interface that makes setup quick and easy. Dragon Professional 16 allows users to type their dictations directly into a document, saving them time, and the software delivers excellent accuracy, enabling users to increase productivity and precision. Other features of Dragon Professional 16 include support for multiple dialects, an enhanced user experience, support for multiple users, advanced integration, and the ability to dictate text on mobile devices. Comparison chart The differences between Nuance Dragon Professional 15 and Nuance Dragon Professional 16 Nuance Dragon Professional 15 Nuance Dragon Professional 16 Voice Control Allows control of applications by voice Allows you to control applications by voice, as well as create macros Text-to-speech Enables conversion of text to natural sounding speech Enables conversion of text to natural-sounding speech, as well as creation of audio recordings Web extensions Enables filling out web forms using voice Enables filling out web forms by voice, as well as automatic insertion of commas and other punctuation marks User interface Allows customization of the user interface for a single voice Allows customization of the user interface for multiple voices Updates Enables automatic installation of updates Enables automatic installation of updates and activation of features for individual users Terminology customization Enables creation of custom dictionaries and customization of terminology Enables creation of custom dictionaries and customization of terminology, as well as creation of custom dictionaries for multiple users Nuance Dragon Professional 16 offers a number of new features that make the product even more powerful. Improved voice control, allowing users to control applications with their voice and create macros. Enhanced text-to-speech capabilities that allow users to convert text to natural-sounding speech and create audio recordings. Enhanced web extensions that let users fill out web forms with their voice and automatically insert commas and other punctuation marks. Customizable user interface that lets users customize their user interface for a single or multiple voices. Automatic updates, which allow users to automatically install updates and enable features for individual users. Advanced terminology customization, which allows users to create custom dictionaries and customize terminology. Advanced learning features that allow users to customize Dragon Home to match their voice and the words they use, and learn new words. Enhanced audio processing that lets users filter noise, use noise-canceling features, and improve audio quality. Ease of use that allows users to progress quickly and an intuitive user interface Powerful and easy-to-use speech recognition software for all users Nuance Dragon Professional 16 is suitable for individuals, businesses and organizations that need powerful and easy-to-use speech recognition software. It is a suitable choice for lawyers, law enforcement officers, social workers and other professional users looking for reliable and efficient speech recognition. It is also a good choice for businesses that need a powerful document capture and editing solution. In addition, it is a good choice for users who want to dictate on mobile devices.Nuance Dragon Professional 16 helps you be productive in the enterprise. It helps users capture and edit documents quickly and easily and offers a number of benefits, including: - Faster document capture Dragon Professional can capture text from conversations and audio recordings, speeding up the capture process. - Improved Productivity With speech recognition software, users can complete more tasks, write faster and spend more time being creative. - Mobile Dictation Users can dictate on mobile devices, giving them a unique dictation and editing experience. - Automation Dragon Professional lets users automate common tasks, allowing them to work faster and more efficiently. How is Nuance Dragon Professional Individual 16 different from previous versions? Nuance Dragon Professional Individual 16 offers improved and more accurate speech recognition technology than its previous versions. It has improved support for professional dialogs, as well as improved support for working with Microsoft Office and other business applications. It also has imp...
Price: 498.62 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
Nuance Dragon Professional 16
A professional speech recognition software Nuance Dragon Professional 16 is a professional speech recognition software that enables users to record natural-sounding dictations and convert them into text. Dragon Professional 16 supports more than 20 languages and offers a user-friendly and intuitive interface that makes setup quick and easy. Dragon Professional 16 allows users to type their dictations directly into a document, saving them time, and the software delivers excellent accuracy, enabling users to increase productivity and precision. Other features of Dragon Professional 16 include support for multiple dialects, an enhanced user experience, support for multiple users, advanced integration, and the ability to dictate text on mobile devices. Comparison chart The differences between Nuance Dragon Professional 15 and Nuance Dragon Professional 16 Nuance Dragon Professional 15 Nuance Dragon Professional 16 Voice Control Allows control of applications by voice Allows you to control applications by voice, as well as create macros Text-to-speech Enables conversion of text to natural sounding speech Enables conversion of text to natural-sounding speech, as well as creation of audio recordings Web extensions Enables filling out web forms using voice Enables filling out web forms by voice, as well as automatic insertion of commas and other punctuation marks User interface Allows customization of the user interface for a single voice Allows customization of the user interface for multiple voices Updates Enables automatic installation of updates Enables automatic installation of updates and activation of features for individual users Terminology customization Enables creation of custom dictionaries and customization of terminology Enables creation of custom dictionaries and customization of terminology, as well as creation of custom dictionaries for multiple users Nuance Dragon Professional 16 offers a number of new features that make the product even more powerful. Improved voice control, allowing users to control applications with their voice and create macros. Enhanced text-to-speech capabilities that allow users to convert text to natural-sounding speech and create audio recordings. Enhanced web extensions that let users fill out web forms with their voice and automatically insert commas and other punctuation marks. Customizable user interface that lets users customize their user interface for a single or multiple voices. Automatic updates, which allow users to automatically install updates and enable features for individual users. Advanced terminology customization, which allows users to create custom dictionaries and customize terminology. Advanced learning features that allow users to customize Dragon Home to match their voice and the words they use, and learn new words. Enhanced audio processing that lets users filter noise, use noise-canceling features, and improve audio quality. Ease of use that allows users to progress quickly and an intuitive user interface Powerful and easy-to-use speech recognition software for all users Nuance Dragon Professional 16 is suitable for individuals, businesses and organizations that need powerful and easy-to-use speech recognition software. It is a suitable choice for lawyers, law enforcement officers, social workers and other professional users looking for reliable and efficient speech recognition. It is also a good choice for businesses that need a powerful document capture and editing solution. In addition, it is a good choice for users who want to dictate on mobile devices.Nuance Dragon Professional 16 helps you be productive in the enterprise. It helps users capture and edit documents quickly and easily and offers a number of benefits, including: - Faster document capture Dragon Professional can capture text from conversations and audio recordings, speeding up the capture process. - Improved Productivity With speech recognition software, users can complete more tasks, write faster and spend more time being creative. - Mobile Dictation Users can dictate on mobile devices, giving them a unique dictation and editing experience. - Automation Dragon Professional lets users automate common tasks, allowing them to work faster and more efficiently. How is Nuance Dragon Professional Individual 16 different from previous versions? Nuance Dragon Professional Individual 16 offers improved and more accurate speech recognition technology than its previous versions. It has improved support for professional dialogs, as well as improved support for working with Microsoft Office and other business applications. It also has imp...
Price: 325.17 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
Nuance Dragon Professional 16
A professional speech recognition software Nuance Dragon Professional 16 is a professional speech recognition software that enables users to record natural-sounding dictations and convert them into text. Dragon Professional 16 supports more than 20 languages and offers a user-friendly and intuitive interface that makes setup quick and easy. Dragon Professional 16 allows users to type their dictations directly into a document, saving them time, and the software delivers excellent accuracy, enabling users to increase productivity and precision. Other features of Dragon Professional 16 include support for multiple dialects, an enhanced user experience, support for multiple users, advanced integration, and the ability to dictate text on mobile devices. Comparison chart The differences between Nuance Dragon Professional 15 and Nuance Dragon Professional 16 Nuance Dragon Professional 15 Nuance Dragon Professional 16 Voice Control Allows control of applications by voice Allows you to control applications by voice, as well as create macros Text-to-speech Enables conversion of text to natural sounding speech Enables conversion of text to natural-sounding speech, as well as creation of audio recordings Web extensions Enables filling out web forms using voice Enables filling out web forms by voice, as well as automatic insertion of commas and other punctuation marks User interface Allows customization of the user interface for a single voice Allows customization of the user interface for multiple voices Updates Enables automatic installation of updates Enables automatic installation of updates and activation of features for individual users Terminology customization Enables creation of custom dictionaries and customization of terminology Enables creation of custom dictionaries and customization of terminology, as well as creation of custom dictionaries for multiple users Nuance Dragon Professional 16 offers a number of new features that make the product even more powerful. Improved voice control, allowing users to control applications with their voice and create macros. Enhanced text-to-speech capabilities that allow users to convert text to natural-sounding speech and create audio recordings. Enhanced web extensions that let users fill out web forms with their voice and automatically insert commas and other punctuation marks. Customizable user interface that lets users customize their user interface for a single or multiple voices. Automatic updates, which allow users to automatically install updates and enable features for individual users. Advanced terminology customization, which allows users to create custom dictionaries and customize terminology. Advanced learning features that allow users to customize Dragon Home to match their voice and the words they use, and learn new words. Enhanced audio processing that lets users filter noise, use noise-canceling features, and improve audio quality. Ease of use that allows users to progress quickly and an intuitive user interface Powerful and easy-to-use speech recognition software for all users Nuance Dragon Professional 16 is suitable for individuals, businesses and organizations that need powerful and easy-to-use speech recognition software. It is a suitable choice for lawyers, law enforcement officers, social workers and other professional users looking for reliable and efficient speech recognition. It is also a good choice for businesses that need a powerful document capture and editing solution. In addition, it is a good choice for users who want to dictate on mobile devices.Nuance Dragon Professional 16 helps you be productive in the enterprise. It helps users capture and edit documents quickly and easily and offers a number of benefits, including: - Faster document capture Dragon Professional can capture text from conversations and audio recordings, speeding up the capture process. - Improved Productivity With speech recognition software, users can complete more tasks, write faster and spend more time being creative. - Mobile Dictation Users can dictate on mobile devices, giving them a unique dictation and editing experience. - Automation Dragon Professional lets users automate common tasks, allowing them to work faster and more efficiently. How is Nuance Dragon Professional Individual 16 different from previous versions? Nuance Dragon Professional Individual 16 offers improved and more accurate speech recognition technology than its previous versions. It has improved support for professional dialogs, as well as improved support for working with Microsoft Office and other business applications. It also has imp...
Price: 635.93 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
Nuance Dragon Professional 16
A professional speech recognition software Nuance Dragon Professional 16 is a professional speech recognition software that enables users to record natural-sounding dictations and convert them into text. Dragon Professional 16 supports more than 20 languages and offers a user-friendly and intuitive interface that makes setup quick and easy. Dragon Professional 16 allows users to type their dictations directly into a document, saving them time, and the software delivers excellent accuracy, enabling users to increase productivity and precision. Other features of Dragon Professional 16 include support for multiple dialects, an enhanced user experience, support for multiple users, advanced integration, and the ability to dictate text on mobile devices. Comparison chart The differences between Nuance Dragon Professional 15 and Nuance Dragon Professional 16 Nuance Dragon Professional 15 Nuance Dragon Professional 16 Voice Control Allows control of applications by voice Allows you to control applications by voice, as well as create macros Text-to-speech Enables conversion of text to natural sounding speech Enables conversion of text to natural-sounding speech, as well as creation of audio recordings Web extensions Enables filling out web forms using voice Enables filling out web forms by voice, as well as automatic insertion of commas and other punctuation marks User interface Allows customization of the user interface for a single voice Allows customization of the user interface for multiple voices Updates Enables automatic installation of updates Enables automatic installation of updates and activation of features for individual users Terminology customization Enables creation of custom dictionaries and customization of terminology Enables creation of custom dictionaries and customization of terminology, as well as creation of custom dictionaries for multiple users Nuance Dragon Professional 16 offers a number of new features that make the product even more powerful. Improved voice control, allowing users to control applications with their voice and create macros. Enhanced text-to-speech capabilities that allow users to convert text to natural-sounding speech and create audio recordings. Enhanced web extensions that let users fill out web forms with their voice and automatically insert commas and other punctuation marks. Customizable user interface that lets users customize their user interface for a single or multiple voices. Automatic updates, which allow users to automatically install updates and enable features for individual users. Advanced terminology customization, which allows users to create custom dictionaries and customize terminology. Advanced learning features that allow users to customize Dragon Home to match their voice and the words they use, and learn new words. Enhanced audio processing that lets users filter noise, use noise-canceling features, and improve audio quality. Ease of use that allows users to progress quickly and an intuitive user interface Powerful and easy-to-use speech recognition software for all users Nuance Dragon Professional 16 is suitable for individuals, businesses and organizations that need powerful and easy-to-use speech recognition software. It is a suitable choice for lawyers, law enforcement officers, social workers and other professional users looking for reliable and efficient speech recognition. It is also a good choice for businesses that need a powerful document capture and editing solution. In addition, it is a good choice for users who want to dictate on mobile devices.Nuance Dragon Professional 16 helps you be productive in the enterprise. It helps users capture and edit documents quickly and easily and offers a number of benefits, including: - Faster document capture Dragon Professional can capture text from conversations and audio recordings, speeding up the capture process. - Improved Productivity With speech recognition software, users can complete more tasks, write faster and spend more time being creative. - Mobile Dictation Users can dictate on mobile devices, giving them a unique dictation and editing experience. - Automation Dragon Professional lets users automate common tasks, allowing them to work faster and more efficiently. How is Nuance Dragon Professional Individual 16 different from previous versions? Nuance Dragon Professional Individual 16 offers improved and more accurate speech recognition technology than its previous versions. It has improved support for professional dialogs, as well as improved support for working with Microsoft Office and other business applications. It also has imp...
Price: 635.93 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
Nuance Dragon Professional 16
A professional speech recognition software Nuance Dragon Professional 16 is a professional speech recognition software that enables users to record natural-sounding dictations and convert them into text. Dragon Professional 16 supports more than 20 languages and offers a user-friendly and intuitive interface that makes setup quick and easy. Dragon Professional 16 allows users to type their dictations directly into a document, saving them time, and the software delivers excellent accuracy, enabling users to increase productivity and precision. Other features of Dragon Professional 16 include support for multiple dialects, an enhanced user experience, support for multiple users, advanced integration, and the ability to dictate text on mobile devices. Comparison chart The differences between Nuance Dragon Professional 15 and Nuance Dragon Professional 16 Nuance Dragon Professional 15 Nuance Dragon Professional 16 Voice Control Allows control of applications by voice Allows you to control applications by voice, as well as create macros Text-to-speech Enables conversion of text to natural sounding speech Enables conversion of text to natural-sounding speech, as well as creation of audio recordings Web extensions Enables filling out web forms using voice Enables filling out web forms by voice, as well as automatic insertion of commas and other punctuation marks User interface Allows customization of the user interface for a single voice Allows customization of the user interface for multiple voices Updates Enables automatic installation of updates Enables automatic installation of updates and activation of features for individual users Terminology customization Enables creation of custom dictionaries and customization of terminology Enables creation of custom dictionaries and customization of terminology, as well as creation of custom dictionaries for multiple users Nuance Dragon Professional 16 offers a number of new features that make the product even more powerful. Improved voice control, allowing users to control applications with their voice and create macros. Enhanced text-to-speech capabilities that allow users to convert text to natural-sounding speech and create audio recordings. Enhanced web extensions that let users fill out web forms with their voice and automatically insert commas and other punctuation marks. Customizable user interface that lets users customize their user interface for a single or multiple voices. Automatic updates, which allow users to automatically install updates and enable features for individual users. Advanced terminology customization, which allows users to create custom dictionaries and customize terminology. Advanced learning features that allow users to customize Dragon Home to match their voice and the words they use, and learn new words. Enhanced audio processing that lets users filter noise, use noise-canceling features, and improve audio quality. Ease of use that allows users to progress quickly and an intuitive user interface Powerful and easy-to-use speech recognition software for all users Nuance Dragon Professional 16 is suitable for individuals, businesses and organizations that need powerful and easy-to-use speech recognition software. It is a suitable choice for lawyers, law enforcement officers, social workers and other professional users looking for reliable and efficient speech recognition. It is also a good choice for businesses that need a powerful document capture and editing solution. In addition, it is a good choice for users who want to dictate on mobile devices.Nuance Dragon Professional 16 helps you be productive in the enterprise. It helps users capture and edit documents quickly and easily and offers a number of benefits, including: - Faster document capture Dragon Professional can capture text from conversations and audio recordings, speeding up the capture process. - Improved Productivity With speech recognition software, users can complete more tasks, write faster and spend more time being creative. - Mobile Dictation Users can dictate on mobile devices, giving them a unique dictation and editing experience. - Automation Dragon Professional lets users automate common tasks, allowing them to work faster and more efficiently. How is Nuance Dragon Professional Individual 16 different from previous versions? Nuance Dragon Professional Individual 16 offers improved and more accurate speech recognition technology than its previous versions. It has improved support for professional dialogs, as well as improved support for working with Microsoft Office and other business applications. It also has imp...
Price: 635.93 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
Nuance Dragon Legal 16
Nuance Dragon Legal v16 Powerful speech recognition software for legal professionals Nuance Dragon Legal v16 is powerful speech recognition software designed to help attorneys and other legal professionals work faster and more efficiently. It is designed specifically for legal professionals to improve the precision and accuracy of speech recognition and simplify document creation. The software supports multiple languages and enables automatic dictation and correction. In addition, Dragon Legal v16 offers a built-in control function that can control the computer according to your own preferences, and has several add-ons and plugins that provide additional features. Comparison chart The main advantages of Nuance Dragon Legal v16 are: Nuance Dragon Legal v15 Nuance Dragon Legal v16 Precision and accuracy of speech recognition Limited Improved Automatic formatting of legal text No Yes Quick and easy document creation No Yes Multiple language support No Yes Automatic dictation of documents, emails and web pages No Yes Microsoft Office and Windows support Limited Yes Integrated dictation and correction features No Yes Compatibility with voice-to-text applications No Yes Advanced computer control commands No Yes Availability of multiple add-ons and plug-ins No Yes Discover the new features of Nuance Dragon Legal v16 With version 16, Nuance increases productivity with an impressive suite of features that reduces costs for individuals and large organizations. Dragon Legal v16 offers improved speech recognition precision and accuracy, a built-in control feature that lets you control your computer the way you want, and multiple add-ons and plug-ins that provide additional functionality. Dragon Legal v16 uses the latest speech recognition software to help you create documents and provide automatic dictation and proofreading. It supports multiple languages and can help you complete your tasks even faster and more efficiently. In addition, Dragon Legal v16 has a command and control function that lets you control the computer in real time, as well as a built-in control function that lets you control the computer with your voice. Dragon Legal v16 also offers a number of add-ons and plug-ins that give you additional features such as SmartFormat Rules and AutoFormat options. Dragon Legal v16 also lets you interact seamlessly with CAD/RMS systems via voice. With Dragon Legal v16, you can get your work done faster and more efficiently while saving money. Focus on your work while Dragon Legal takes care of the tedious paperwork Powerful and adaptable speech recognition software accurately captures and formats legal documents by voice, whether you're working in the office or on the road. The reliable transcription features and useful configurations can be easily shared across your law firm or legal department to increase efficiency. Powerful Speech Recognition Software for Windows 11 and Windows 10 Dragon Legal v16 is an outstanding speech recognition software optimized specifically for use on Windows 11. The software offers both front-end and back-end support for real-time speech-to-text and transcription of audio files. Despite being optimized for Windows 11, the software is backward compatible with Windows 10. With its power and flexibility, Dragon Legal v16 is the ideal choice for anyone who needs reliable speech recognition software. Versatile speech recognition software for individual and enterprise applications Dragon Legal is a versatile speech recognition software that can be used by both individuals and larger teams. As a market leader in law firms, the solution offers many advantages for creating documentation. Whether you work as a sole proprietor or are part of a large company, Dragon Legal is the ideal choice to benefit from the many advantages of speech recognition. Peak performance in speed and accuracy of speech recognition Dragon Legal offers top-notch speech recognition specifically designed to meet the needs of legal professionals. The software includes extensive legal vocabulary and is up to three times faster than traditional typing. You can dictate and format contracts, briefs, and other texts right out of the box with 99% recognition accuracy. With Dragon Legal, you can speed up your workflow and be more productive. Increase efficiency and cost-effectiveness for routine tasks With Dragon Legal v16, you can quickly and efficiently complete routine tasks that were once considered inefficient. The software saves you valuable time and significantly increases your company's productivity. By automating routine tasks, you can use your resources more efficiently and focus on ...
Price: 361.31 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £
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As an AI, I do not have personal experiences. However, the Lenovo ThinkBook 15 with i7 notebook is known for its powerful performance, sleek design, and long battery life. It is a popular choice for professionals and students who require a reliable and efficient laptop for work or school. The i7 processor ensures smooth multitasking and the large display provides a great viewing experience for various tasks.
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The better option between the Acer Spin 3 13 51N and the Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga X1 Gen 1 depends on your specific needs. The Acer Spin 3 13 51N is a more budget-friendly option with a 360-degree hinge for versatile use, while the Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga X1 Gen 1 is known for its durability and high-quality build. If you prioritize affordability and flexibility, the Acer Spin 3 13 51N may be the better choice. However, if you value durability and performance, the Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga X1 Gen 1 could be the superior option.
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